When writing this, we are currently in full gear working on our website.

So of course, we are in need of lots and lots of pictures to be able to communicate our style and design to potential clients.

Our very good friend, who has an interest in photography, has been nice and helped us and taken lots of pictures at

both mine and Viveka’s house.

I recently read a blog about the importance of authenticity and how this is often lacking on the social media arena today where so many try and uphold a certain image that portray this perfect life where everything is orderly and controlled. However, as the blog mentioned maybe that is not the way forward? This made me think of how messy life really is behind the scene.

So back to talking about website pictures…. Of course, we could not take pictures of a sink filled with dirty dishes, a guest bedroom where the bed has a huge pile of unfolded laundry or a bathroom mirror with toothpaste stains on it.

So in all honesty, we both did do some prepping for these photo shots but know this…..it does not always look this clean and perfect. However, I do want to add that if a space is designed for living and has the necessary storage solutions and other functional aspects, at least tidying up does become less of a chore.

Both of our homes have a pretty good amount of natural light coming in but we quickly realized that we indeed needed even more. So this is what that looks like. Do pay attention to the mess around the room. Now, it is actually not THAT messy usually since for this shot we had to move some things round the room in order to get the best angles for the pictures.

Taking photos of one of the newly renovated bathrooms, which is a small space, lead to some acrobatic acts on everyone’s part to try and catch some good angles. Oh, and our dog Harry wanted his 15 seconds of fame as well.

We styled the bathroom with 98 % of products from Target. If you see something you like, we include the links here:

  1. Shower Curtain
  2. Hand Towel
  3. Bubble Bath
  4. Soy Wax Candle
  5. Savon de Marseille
  6. Bristle Body Brush
  7. Brass Pencil Holder
  8. Bath Rugels
  9. White Bath Tow


So all in all, things are really not always what they seem and that is ok. Let’s face it, we both have families with little kids and why try and always hide the mess this creates when indeed our families are the single most important part of our lives.

However, one can of course still have a beautiful but messy home…(wink)

Wish you a happy and messy day!
