How to Create Your Own Collage Wall

Hello and Happy Friday!

We have been sorting through photos and came across some really cool old family pictures from South Africa and Sweden. Since we have a great area where family photos are displayed already, we were not sure how to display any more. A few days later we saw on Instagram that Jeremiah Brent and Nate Berkus, hosts of Nate & Jeremiah by Design, had created a beautiful family wall with black and white photos as well as other beautiful objects. Yay! We will make a collage wall over the small desk in out bedroom.

Create your own collage art

Click the image below to see their instagram post that inspired us.

Jeremiah Brent Instagram post - collage wall video

Well, first the desk needed a major cleaning. It was piled with catalogues and boxed samples.

Then we started thinking of items that would look beautiful. We gathered a few and laid it all out and tried a few different ideas. We wanted it to be a family wall so we added our sons glasses and a pair of baby Converse as well as a handmade keep sake made by a friend.

Want to make your own collage wall? Grab your sentimental items, get some more inspiration, and you’ll be on your way.

Here are our ideas:

Photos, love black and white but of you love color – go for it!

Inspirational pictures from magazines

Quotes that are important to you or inspire you

Sentimental items:

Shells, perhaps on a string or necklace

Dried flower or plant

Small piece of driftwood?

Feathers (Jeremiah and Nate did this)

Old letters or love notes

We love this idea of mostly using a simple tape to add these to the wall. We also saw this great article by Mary Randolph Carter on the Ralph Lauren website, and found more inspiration.

Ralph Lauren Article by Mary Randolph Pic

Here is how our wall looks at the moment. We will add more in time and when we get some more of our photos printed in black and white. But so far we love it. What do you think?

create your own collage wall - home design projects
What to add to your collage wall

DIY Personal Collage Art for Home

Create Your Own Collage for Home Art


We hope you will get inspired to create a collage of your own. In times like these, when family seems far away, it is nice to look at photos of them and remember fun times together.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Viveka and Johanna